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Photo credit: Eric Sylvester | Download hi-res image
Long Bio:​
Born in Lima, Peru, Natalia Sylvester is an award-winning author of books for children, teens, and young adults, among them RUNNING (2020) and EVERYONE KNOWS YOU GO HOME (2018), which won the International Latino Book Award and the 2019 Jesse H. Jones Award for Best Work of Fiction from the Texas Institute of Letters. Her latest YA novel, BREATHE AND COUNT BACK FROM TEN, was named a Pura Belpré honor book and Schneider Family honor book in 2023 by the American Library Association, and is a 2024-2025 Florida Teens Read title. Natalia's first picture book, A MALETA FULL OF TREASURES (illustrated by Juana Medina) is a Junior Library Guild Selection for both its English and Spanish versions.
Natalia's non-fiction has appeared in the New York Times, Bustle, Catapult, Electric Literature, Latina magazine, and McSweeney's Publishing. Her essays have been anthologized in collections such as A MAP IS ONLY ONE STORY and A MEASURE OF BELONGING: WRITERS OF COLOR ON THE NEW AMERICAN SOUTH.
Natalia received a BA in Creative Writing from the University of Miami, was a 2021 Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, and was formerly a faculty member at the Mile-High MFA program at Regis University. She now lives in South Florida.

Photo credit: Eric Sylvester | Download hi-res image
Short Bio:
Natalia Sylvester is the Pura Belpré- and Schneider Family-honor winning author of the young adult novel BREATHE AND COUNT BACK FROM TEN, and the award-winning author of the young adult novel RUNNING and the adult novels EVERYONE KNOWS YOU GO HOME and CHASING THE SUN. Her first picture book, A MALETA FULL OF TREASURES, illustrated by Juana Medina, was published in 2024 from Penguin Random House in both an English and Spanish edition, LA MALETA DE TESOROS, translated by Natalia. | Twitter/Instagram: @nataliasylv.

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Image description: the book cover for A MALETA FULL OF TREASURES. The illustrated art features a little girl and her grandmother sitting on a pillow next to an open suitcase, from which a flurry of gifts (family photos, llama figurines, candies, birds, flowers, & dolls) flies all around them. Dulce looks lovingly at Abuela who smiles and raises one arm excitedly.

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Image description: la portada del libro LA MALETA DE TESOROS. El arte ilustrado muestra a una niña y su abuela sentadas en una almohada al lado de una maleta abierta, de la cual hay una avalancha de regalos (fotos familiares, figuras de llamas, dulces, pájaros, flores y muñecas) a su alrededor. Dulce le mira a su abuela con cariño, mientras que Abuela sonríe y levanta un brazo emocionada.

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Image description: the book cover for BREATHE AND COUNT BACK FROM TEN with a Schneider Family Honor book seal & a Pura Beloré honor book seal. Illustrated art of a brown-haired, light brown-skinned teen diving into a pool. She's wearing a pink two-piece suit & she has a long scar along her thigh & a smaller one over her pelvic bone. The water is blue & pink from the light & her shadow is mermaid-shaped against the pool floor.

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